Crash Course in X Windows

1. Motivation / introduction 

2. How open X displays are found 

3. The local-host problem 

4. Snooping techniques - dumping windows 

5. Snooping techniques - reading keyboard 

6. Xterm - secure keyboard option

7. Trojan X programs [xlock and xdm] 

8. X Security tools - xauth MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE 

9. Concluding remarks

1. Motivation / introduction

X windows pose a security risk. Through a network, anyone can

to an open X display, read the keyboard, dump the screen and

and start applications on the unprotected display. Even if this is

known fact throughout the computer security world, few attempts on

informing the user community of the security risks involved have

made.  This article deals with some of the aspects of X windows

security. It is in no sense a complete guide to the subject, but

rather an introduction to a not-so-known field of computer

security. Knowledge of the basics of the X windows system is

necessary, I haven't bothered including an introductory section to

explain the fundamentals. I wrote some code during the research for

this article, but none of it is included herein.  If the lingual

of English seem mayhap strange and erroneous from byte to byte,

is due to the fact that I'm Scandinavian.  Bare with it. :)

2. How open X displays are found

An open X display is in formal terms an X server that has its

control disabled. Disabling access control is normally done with

xhost command.

$ xhost +

allows connections from any host. A single host can be allowed

connection with the command

$ xhost + ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ

where Z is the IP address or host-name. Access control can be

by issuing an

$ xhost - 

command. In this case no host but the local-host can connect to the

display.  Period. It is as simple as that - if the display runs in

'xhost -' state, you are safe from programs that scans and attaches

unprotected X displays.  You can check the access control of your

display by simply typing xhost from a shell. Sadly enough, most

run their X displays with access control disabled as default. They

therefore easy prey for the various scanner programs circulating on

the net.

Anyone with a bit of knowledge about Xlib and sockets programming

write an X scanner in a couple of hours. The task is normally

accomplished by probing the port that is reserved for X windows,

number 6000. If anything is alive at that port, the scanner calls

XOpenDisplay("IP-ADDRESS:0.0") that will return a pointer to the

display structure, if and only if the target display has its access

control disabled. If access control is enabled, XOpenDisplay
returns 0

and reports that the display could not be opened.


Xlib: connection to "display:0.0" refused by server

Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

The probing of port 6000 is necessary because of the fact that

XOpenDisplay() on a host that runs no X server will simply hang the

calling process. So much for unix programming conventions. :)

I wrote a program called xscan that could scan an entire subnet or

scan the entries in /etc/hosts for open X displays. My remark about

most sites running X displays with access control disabled,

from running xscan towards several sites on the internet.

3. The localhost problem

Running your display with access control enabled by using 'xhost -'

will guard you from XOpenDisplay attempts through port number

6000. But there is one way an eavesdropper can bypass this

protection. If he can log into your host, he can connect to the

display of the localhost. The trick is fairly simple. By issuing

few lines, dumping the screen of the host 'target' is accomplished:

$ rlogin target

$ xwd -root -display localhost:0.0 > ~/snarfed.xwd

$ exit

$ xwud -in ~/snarfed.xwd

And voila, we have a screendump of the root window of the X server


Of course, an intruder must have an account on your system and be

to log into the host where the specific X server runs. On sites
with a

lot of X terminals, this means that no X display is safe from those

with access. If you can run a process on a host, you can connect to

(any of) its X displays.

Every Xlib routine has the Display structure as it's first

argument. By successfully opening a display, you can manipulate it

with every Xlib call available. For an intruder, the most

ways of manipulating is grabbing windows and keystrokes.

4. Snooping techniques - dumping windows

The most natural way of snarfing a window from an X server is by

the X11R5 utility xwd or X Window System dumping utility. To get a

grip of the program, here's a small excerpt from the man page


      Xwd is an X Window System window dumping utility.  Xwd allows

      to store window images in a specially formatted dump file. 
This file

      can then be read by various other X utilities for redisplay,

      editing, formatting, archiving, image processing, etc.  The

      window is selected by clicking the pointer in the desired
window.  The

      keyboard bell is rung once at the beginning of the dump and
twice when

      the dump is completed.

Shortly, xwd is a tool for dumping X windows into a format readable

another program, xwud. To keep the trend, here's an excerpt from

man page of xwud:


      Xwud is an X Window System image undumping utility.  Xwud
allows X

      users to display in a window an image saved in a specially

      dump file, such as produced by xwd(1).

I will not go in detail of how to use these programs, as they are

self-explanatory and easy to use. Both the entire root window, a

specified window (by name) can be dumped, or a specified screen. 
As a

'security measure' xwd will beep the terminal it is dumping from,

when xwd is started, and once when it is finished (regardless of

xset b off command). But with the source code available, it is a

matter of small modification to compile a version of xwd that

beep or otherwise identifies itself - on the process list e.g.  If

wanted to dump the root window or any other window from a host, we

could simply pick a window from the process list, which often gives

away the name of the window through the -name flag.  As before

mentioned, to dump the entire screen from a host:

$ xwd -root localhost:0.0 > file

the output can be directed to a file, and read with

$ xwud -in file

or just piped straight to the xwud command.

Xterm windows are a different thing. You can not specify the name

an xterm and then dump it. They are somehow blocked towards the

X_Getimage primitive used by xwd, so the following

$ xwd -name xterm

will result in an error. However, the entire root window (with

and all) can still be dumped and watched by xwud. Some protection.

5. Snooping techniques - reading keyboard

If you can connect to a display, you can also log and store every

keystroke that passes through the X server. A program circulating

net, called xkey, does this trick. A kind of higher-level version

the infamous ttysnoop.c. I wrote my own, who could read the

of a specific window ID (not just every keystroke, as my version of

xkey).  The window ID's of a specific root-window, can be acquired

with a call to XQueryTree(), that will return the XWindowAttributes

every window present. The window manager must be able to control

window-ID and what keys are pressed down at what time.  By use of

window-manager functions of Xlib, KeyPress events can be captured,

KeySyms can be turned into characters by continuous calls to


You can even send KeySym's to a Window. An intruder may therefore

only snoop on your activity, he can also send keyboard events to

processes, like they were typed on the keyboard.  Reading/writing

keyboard events to an xterm window opens new horizons in process

manipulation from remote. Luckily, xterm has good protection

techniques for prohibiting access to the keyboard events.

6. Xterm - Secure keyboard option

A lot of passwords is typed in an xterm window. It is therefore

crucial that the user has full control over which processes can

and write to an xterm.  The permission for the X server to send

to an Xterm window, is set at compile time. The default is false,

meaning that all SendEvent requests from the X server to an xterm

window is discarded. You can overwrite the compile-time setting
with a

standard resource definition in the .Xdefaults file:

xterm*allowSendEvents   True

or by selecting Allow Sendevents on the Xterm Main Options

menu. (Accessed by pressing CTRL and the left mouse button But this

_not_ recommended. Neither by me, nor the man page. ;) Read access

a different thing. 

Xterms mechanism for hindering other X clients to read the keyboard

during entering of sensitive data, passwords etc. is by using the

XGrabKeyboard() call. Only one process can grab the keyboard at any

one time. To activate the Secure Keyboard option, choose the Main

Options menu in your Xterm window (CTRL+Left mouse button) and

Secure Keyboard.  If the colors of your xterm window inverts, the

keyboard is now Grabbed, and no other X client can read the

The versions of Xterm X11R5 without patch26 also contain a rather

nasty and very well known security hole that enables any user to

become root through clever use of symbolic links to the password

file. The Xterm process need to be setuid for this hole to be

exploitable.  Refer to the Cert Advisory:


7. Trojan X clients - xlock and X based logins

Can you think of a more suitable program for installing a

password-grabbing trojan horse than xlock? I myself cannot. With a

lines added to the getPassword routine in xlock.c, the password of

every user using the trojan version of xlock can be stashed away in

file for later use by an intruder. The changes are so minimal, only

couple of bytes will tell the real version from the trojan version.

If a user has a writable homedir and a ./ in her PATH environment

variable, she is vulnerable to this kind of attack. Getting the

password is achieved by placing a trojan version of Xlock in the

homedir and waiting for an invocation.  The functionality of the

original Xlock is contained in the trojan version.  The trojan

can even tidy up and destroy itself after one succesfull attempt,

the user will not know that his password has been captured.

Xlock, like every password-prompting program, should be regarded

suspicion if it shows up in places it should not be, like in your


Spoofed X based logins however are a bit more tricky for the

to accomplish.  He must simulate the login screen of the login

ran by XDM. The only way to ensure that you get the proper XDM

program (if you want to be really paranoid) is to restart the

X-terminal, whatever key combination that will be for the terminal



8. X Security tools - xauth MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE 

To avoid unathorized connections to your X display, the command

for encrypted X connections is widely used. When you login, xdm

creates a file .Xauthority in your homedir. This file is binary,

readable only through the xauth command. If you issue the command

$ xauth list

you will get an output of:

your.display.ip:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 

  display name     authorization type               key

The .Xauthority file sometimes contains information from older

sessions, but this is not important, as a new key is created at

login session. To access a display with xauth active - you must

the current access key.

If you want to open your display for connections from a particular

user, you must inform him of your key.

He must then issue the command 

$ xauth add your.display.ip:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1

Now, only that user (including yourself) can connect to your

Xauthority is simple and powerful, and eliminates many of the

problems with X.